Monday, April 26, 2010

New Jesus clothes and stuff! †

WOOOOT I got more C28 stuff!! (they make christian clothes and jewelry and hats and everything like that) ANNNND their stuff is actually COOL!! Not like that cheesy stuff you see in some magazines or whatever.

This is the stuff I got :) tell me what you think!

shirt numero uno


3rd shirt

super rad hat!

Oh, and hey, here's a little "BTW" for you guys... the banner-links I have to their site on the right hand side of my blog, are connected to my account. It tells me how many people have visited the site from my link.. and also how much they've purchased. So far 84 people have visited... but the amount purchase? ZERO. I get store credits and discounts when people buy stuff directly through my link. I THINK you might get discounts too, but I'm not certain.

All that to say, If you wanna buy something from the site... and wanna do me a awesome favor. Just go to their site through my link here... THEN buy it. :)

If you wanna go right now... CLICK HERE! :D

I'M OUT † †


FilmmakerForJC said...

The 'One Way' shirt is my fave. But i'm UBER jealous of the hat bro haha. Keep reppin' Jesus!

Extreme Teen said...

i cant decide what i like best.. i think the blue and white one... cuz its diff than most of the stuff i have... lol the way the truth the life! REPRESENT! †