Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Of tuxedos, video games and oatmeal cookies

Saturday I was the wedding of a couple that goes to my church. I was ushering. It was pretty sweet because we got to wear tuxes! hehe. Friday night I went to the rehearsal, then spent the night at my best friend kaleb's house. (Who was also in the wedding)

It was ridiculous. Super rad though. Some good friends came over that I hadn't seen in a long time, and we all played Call of Duty Modern Warfare til 3:30 in the morning. Then camped out on the game room floor. We didn't actually go to sleep until about 4:30 and then got up at 8:00. After a breakfast of eggs, toast, and Save-a-Lot oatmeal cookies, we headed out to the wedding. Suffice to say I slept well Saturday night. haha

Here's some pics of the tux... with a skateboard of course.