Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow Camp 2010!!!

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Life has been CrAzY! (In a good sorta way)

Last weekend I went to snow camp at Circle C Ranch with my friend's youth group from PA. IT....WAS....AWESOME. Hanging out with all my best friends, as well as some pretty amazing new ones! Its a weekend camp from Friday night through Sunday afternoon. Doing everything from rollerskating, chapels, ultimate dodge ball, karaoke, and tubing competitions, to donut relay races and flinging cream filled donuts 100 feet down a road into a crowd of people using 3-man water balloon slingshots. Cream filled donuts flying through the air at 20 mph + kids head = amazing explosion! But the best part by far: 40-ish PEOPLE ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST!!! †

Snowboarding last night was gnarr! I finally figured out my balance and tucking my legs on spins so now threes are EASY and almost getting fives! My 270 fronside lipslides on the straightbox are easy now and I'm working on frontsiding the c-box. I want to learn front flips and misty flips so bad and see them hopefully happening by the end of this year. I'm just waiting for a good, powdery day to try them.

I'M OUT † †