Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lets Get This Started

My name is Cody Lutz. I am 16 and a junior in high school, Im homeschooled, and I am a complete skateboard and snowboard addict. Extreme sports is what I love to do, but thats not what makes my life so rad.

I'm a hardcore Christian and Jesus Freak to the max. Jesus Christ is the MOST important thing in my life. He gives me joy and true happiness thats way better than finally nailing a trick, or flying down the mountain. Even when hard things happen, and life gets pretty gnarly, He is ALWAYS there for me, and loves me even though I havn't always loved him.

I decided to start a blog because a lot of my friends have them, and for anyone out there in internet land that might actualy think anything I say is actually interesting. **polite smile** (yeah, RIGGHT)

As you can tell, Im not the best writer, Im not out to WOW you with my wonderful writing skills. I just write about my life and what I love to do, and thats praising my God, skateboarding, snowboarding, singing and chillin with my peeps.

I dont know how often Ill be able to post on this thing, so im not gonna make a bunch of promises. But Im going to try to post as often as possible, whatever that means.

SOOO, if you like what I have to say, then tell your friends, tell your mom........tell your moms friends, I dont really care, so long as some one reads my mindless writings.

Heres a lil eye candy for ya, and IM OUT. So go help your grandma down the stairs already.



Jen Case said...

yay I'm the first to comment! Great job Cody! Keep it up!

Danny said...

AWESOME blog!!! Keep posting! :)

Scott Paris said...

Hey can't wait to see what is next!